Major turn off is a LIAR

Guys who turn me off..

  1. Liar
  2. Promise breaker
  3. Brainless
  4. Heart breaker
  5. Too sociable
  6. Eyes on other girls too
  7. Make comparison between me and others
  8. Guys who give up easily
  9. Empty noisy can

Huh, I'm surprised I actually write something like this. Is it the effect for not REALLY reading book? Idk, I need to read now, as in RIGHT NOW.

Today I realized I can't read books. Not “can’t read books” as in I’m illiterate, I mean “can’t read books” as in I can’t seem to finish reading a book. The thing is, I love reading… But usually “life” happens and I get too busy. I like to be the kind of person that can go somewhere and read, but it seems I’m always on the go. Although, I’m most likely making excuses. I’m just bringing this up because I finally finished Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. I started the book back in … I think it was late July or early August. It’s odd, I love books and the idea of books, and reading, but I just can’t seem to sit down and read. I always either have to be doing something or I am doing something. I’m not saying that reading isn’t “doing something” or that it’s not productive, because it most certainly is —- I just can’t seem to focus on one thing.

I need to read more, fall in love at a bookstore and run away with her forever.