YEARBOOK OFFICE "Immortalizing Your Awkward Phase"

Your yearbook is a place to fill with memories that you can always look back upon, show your children, your grandchildren. Which is why you should definitely make your picture, design, etc awesome. And actually, I finished, our yearbook! Massive relief, rather happy with it :) Everyone else seemed to like it too, yay! Me and my two besties were being in charge of my class yearbook design. I was in charge of being the main editor while Desi and Fira helped collecting the photos and data. I'm proud of my class, because we didn't spend any money at all (actually because we have no money-_-) we do the design, photography, and properties by ourself.

Editors have a responsibility to get back to you in a timely manner. The best work gets scooped up quickly. The ones who get away = a great loss to us and another’s journal’s gain. We do a disservice to ourselves. Put simply: If you don’t have TIME to edit, maybe you shouldn’t be editing.

If you’re going to be famous, you need to make sure you look good in your yearbook!


Kania Putri P said...

Wow. Kamu yang edit tu, Lov? Keren banget *o* Yang paling pertama itu yang untuk kover belakang, kayak typography dengan gambar TT^TT Keren bangeet dTT^TTb

A. A. Olivia said...

Iya, nggak digaji lagi-_- thankyou Kania :D

Afifah Widya said...

Lovi ndewa .___.v #eh

A. A. Olivia said...

Masih belajar fi.. o_o

Erika said...

ho'o tau-tau ada yang sms aku coba habis liat fotoku di YB*hii